Next Steps
We believe that growth best happens when you first, gather for corporate worship as a CONGREGATION. Next, you gather in a small group COMMUNITY such as Sunday School with people in a similar life cycle, or in a home group. Third, you plug into a COREgroup of 3-6 people of the same gender for 12 months for intentional time in the Word with high accountability. Last, you go to the CROWDS regularly to tell others of your relationship with Jesus and the hope that you have because of His life, death, and resurrection.
The Disciple-Making Pathway
Disciple-making is intentionally equipping believers with the Word of God through accountable relationships empowered by the Holy Spirit to replicate faithful followers of Christ. In order to grow into spiritual maturity, believers should follow this pathway in the context of a local church.
1. Congregation
A disciple should gather together with the corporate body for weekly worship. During this time, believers are equipped and edified for the work of ministry through the preaching of the Word.
2. Community
This mixed gender group of 12-18 people is the starting point for relationships, spiritual growth, and service both inside and outside of the church. Friendships are formed in this context for future D-Groups.
3. Core
These are gender-exclusive groups of 3-5 people who meet for 12-18 months. Maturity is gauged by the M.A.R.C.S. of a healthy D-Group.
4. Crowd
Through divine appointments and relational evangelism, a disciple engages non-believers with the Gospel by forming intentional relationships in their workplace, neighborhoods, and community.