”Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that openly profess His name.” - (Hebrews 13:15)
Have you ever felt dry in your worship? Has there ever been that Sunday morning when you felt like you were just singing words…and that’s all you felt? I have, and I’m sure you have too. Sometimes it can be so hard to get in the worshipful mindset. We try and try, but can’t seem to “feel” the worship.
That’s because the worship is not supposed to start with us; it starts with Jesus. As the verse above says, we offer our praise to God through Jesus, through the sacrifice that He made for us on the cross. When we keep the cross of Christ at the forefront of our minds, when we constantly remember what it is He has done for us, and how He has saved us, the praise just overflows naturally! It is the fruit, the result, of our lips that speak of our devotion to Him.
Easter will come and go in one Sunday, but let us continue to keep the cross and His sacrifice on our lips all year long. Let us rejoice in His resurrection in April and October. Let us sing His praises Monday through Friday. Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise!
In Christ,
Amy Smith