“And a voice came from the throne, saying, ‘Give praise to our God, all you His bond-servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great.’” - (Revelation 19:5)
Revelation if full of worship to God. In this chapter alone, a great multitude in heaven and the 24 elders and 4 living creatures all worship Him. The voice of the Holy Spirit, as identified later in the chapter by an angel (v. 10), calls everyone to worship. It is He who initiates the praise given to God.
When Jesus tells His disciples about the Holy Spirit that He will send to them, He says that “He will testify about Me,” (John 15:26) and “He will glorify Me.” (John 16:14). Part of the Holy Spirit’s job is to worship God and to encourage others to worship Him. He is the first and true worship leader, inspiring us to praise the God of the universe!
While it is possible to worship God without the presence of the Holy Spirit (such as took place during Old Testament times), allowing the Holy Spirit to touch us during our times of worship and allowing Him to move through us and inspire us creates a much deeper, richer, and more intimate time with God. May our spirits join with His Spirit as we worship Him in spirit and in truth! (John 4:24)
In Christ,