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February 2021

Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.”

(Psalm 34:3)

This month I want to take a deeper, more analytical look at this very familiar verse, to see what God wants us to learn about worship. The very first phrase is a command from King David: “Glorify the Lord with me.” For God’s people, worshiping Him is not optional. It’s not, “Oh, I just don’t really feel like it today.” It is in fact in those days when we are down and out when we most need to worship, because it will remind us of who God is and that He’s always there for us, just like it says a few verses later, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (verse 18)

In the second half of the verse, we find a very beautiful word: “together”. Before COVID-19 came along, I did not think much about this word and everything it means, but even I, as an introvert, have been affected deeply by all of the social restrictions and health measures put it place to reduce the spread of this devastating virus. When we worship God together, there is a unity that cannot be achieved any other way, a unity between believers and a unity with God. King David is encouraging everyone to join him in worship, and when we worship God together, I truly believe that God is not just a spectator, but He joins in as well.

In Christ, Amy Smith


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